
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
A full hour dedicated to our fascination/horror/love-hate relationship with what people are naming their babies these days! The worst baby names we've ever heard along with the worst spellings!
Show note: Every Monday we're uploading previously released episodes that have been removed online in an effort to get our back catalog fully re-uploaded. We apologize to those of you who have been with us from the beginning. We hope new listeners enjoy these bonus episodes!

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
This week we talk about people stuck in some serious awkward situations! A woman who fell head-first into a forest service outhouse while trying to rescue her phone, a woman who's sperm donor has a secret, a photographer who reveals an unknown facial issue to her client, and SO MUCH MORE! There's a lot of second hand embarrassment in this episode! Plus, would you rather die today or live forever?

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
This week we start with Jamie's obsession with the Johnny Depp court case and Brooke's obsession with the Twin Flames podcast! Plus a sleepover gone wrong, a woman who makes sure her mother-in-law NEVER calls in the middle of the night again, a taboo tattoo story and more!

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
This week we discuss a husband and wife who find out they're actually first cousins, a woman who finds out a secret about their adopted son, a woman who wants her sister to stop fostering dogs for an incredibly selfish reason, Easter candy mishaps, another Glitch in the Matrix story and more!
23 and Me, DNA tests, Glitch in the Matrix, adoption, relationships, entitled people, family feuds, robin eggs, Cadbury eggs, conspiracy theories.

Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
We're embarrassing all our family members in this one! Naked ice cream, unruly school children (and their moms), an entitled neighbor who wasn't happy with the free meal a mom fed her kids, a woman who sees her son's nude painting at a friend's house and more stories of entitled people!
Show note: Every Monday we're uploading previously released episodes that have been removed online in an effort to get our back catalog fully re-uploaded. We apologize to those of you who have been with us from the beginning. We hope new listeners enjoy these bonus episodes!

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Trust no one! Not even your own cat! This week we have stories of a dad who asks his daughter to be his surrogate, a boyfriend who swaps out his girlfriend's cat for a nicer one, a husband who tries to get his wife to sign a document blindfolded and more stories of sneakiness! Plus- what's the one parenting trend you strongly disagree with?
Topics: cats, step-parenting, parenting, relationships, surrogacy, comedy, sneaky people, marriage.

Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Dating Disasters Part 2! More hilarious woes of the shallow dating pool! Dating deal breakers, including the pettiest reasons people have broken up with a girlfriend or boyfriend!
Note: Previously released episode.
Topics: Relationships, tinder, online dating, breakups.

Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Get ready for a doozy of douchiness. In a rare moment we disagree about a husband and wife's money argument! Plus, an entitled mom who wants the daycare worker to change a diaper outside of work hours, a dad who gets rid of his daughter's support dog, a date who SHUSHES a woman's loud laugh on a first date, and the craziest story yet- a woman who can't resist the urge to put tiny amounts of poop in her husband's food! Yikes!
Plus: The Thing About Pam, Many Sides of Jane and the worst texting mishaps!

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Two married women talk about online dating in the 2020's! Men- listen up! We don't want your unsolicited private pictures or your unsolicited online come-ons! A "gym date" gone wrong, an Only Fans story, using snapchat filters on your Tinder profiles, and our friend Natalie's story about getting her toes sucked during a movie on the FIRST DATE!
Show note: Every Monday we're uploading previously released episodes that have been removed online in an effort to get our back catalog fully re-uploaded. We apologize to those of you who have been with us from the beginning. We hope new listeners enjoy these bonus episodes!
Topics: Online dating, tinder, match.com, Only Fans, online horror stories, foot fetishes, bumble, dating, relationships.

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
This week we're back with an "eye popping" childbirth story, a vegan who didn't know mayo had eggs in it, an "undetermined gender" reveal party flop, a teen who decides to take matters into his own hands when it comes to his brother-in-laws childish behavior and more! Plus we discuss The Bachelor, The Bad Vegan, and the Tinder Swindler.